Saturday, May 14, 2005

vic falls


today we went on a river cruise which was fantastic. We set off at about 3pm and went on the chobe river at chobe national park. After about 10 mins, the first thing we saw was a group of hippo's feeding on the side of the river bank. It was amazing just to be so close. They were munching through the reeds. It was like watching a game of hungry hungry hippo's.... whilst we were on the cruise, we saw so many wild elephants. huge ones and baby ones. you could see them as far as the horizon. Also saw crocs, fish eagles, chobe bush deers, snakes....
we watched as the elephants swan from one side of the river to the other. It was a really wierd sight watching an elephant swim..... didnt know that they could. The sunset was amazing on the way back. the colour of the sun was a warm glowing red colour, but nmy camera didnt really get the colour properly.


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