Tuesday, July 12, 2005



Hello guys.just an update to let you know whats been happening.Not a lot really. Well, I have an interview for a law firm to do somesupport work, but apart from that, the job front is looking quiet.the weather is not nice so I cant go surfin or sun bathing.

Although, we did discover that we have a steam room and sauna in ourapartment block. that has certainly made the days of the week moreinteresting. there is also a gym, but not really interested in that!!The bomb blasts in london is a huge story here. every news bulletinis focused on that. now that they suspect an oz has died as well, itsintensified. Hope all you guys are ok, and havent been affected by it.

Anyway, I'm off to hunt for Sean Connery, as he has been spotted downthe road from where we are living. what? There's not much else to dowhen you arent working!!Oh, home and away is getting quite interesting.

for those who areinterested, alf has his 60th bday, and all the characters from thepast come back. its quite weird. make sure you catch it as it bringsback a lot of memories. also, chloe dies.....yeah, sad I know.....Catch ya laterAaron


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